Snow Patrol / Crack The Shutters

This is for my girl, Kara, who inspires the shit out of me, constantly. We listened to this album nonstop when it came out. Granted, this is a sexy song, and I don’t mean to send her sexy messages, but she found herself in Paris last year on a whirlwind trip of love and exploration. One week spent with shutter windows, which she cracked and burst from with her zest and curiosity for living.
Now, a year later I find myself in Europe as well, with shutters for windows, cracked open as my excitement falls through like rain.
I’ve been singing this song all day, thinking about Kara and her past year and me and my past year. Feeling ultra grateful to know this woman, be on my path and someday sit near a  windowsill with her and see what decisions we’ve made since we last saw each other.


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2 Responses to Snow Patrol / Crack The Shutters

  1. kara says:

    oh, sheesh!!! can’t wait to be there with you!!

    …but, really, it’s been two years. 😉 I can’t believe it either.

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