About her & About this

Music supervisor, music lover, writer and a sometimes-air guitarist. alethia austin Fierce appetite for life, sound, feeling and tunnels.

This blog is a collection of music and songs that have hit her in one way or another.
Yesterday, 15 years ago and today.
Songs that make her feel something.
Songs she thinks you’ll enjoy.
Songs you may not.
Songs that have added to the soundtrack of her life.

Over the past decade, she has created soundtracks to Feature films, Indie films and TV shows. She has managed, counseled and reviewed bands. She has been asked to book artists for showcases and tours in other countries. She is always open to hearing new bands.

If you’re keen to share, you can email her at: ajaustin@gmail.com
Twitter: @alethiaja

Enjoy x

39 Responses to About her & About this

  1. Jen Hogervorst says:

    Love you Lethie!

  2. Adam Martin says:

    It is so true how music touches the heart and soul of all! It’s amazing what you are doing to contribute to that! You are a true soldier of the divine purpose in life! LOVE IT!!!!

  3. Jenn / Fortnight says:

    Hi Alethia!

    Sarah Wilson told me about your blog and I’ve been enjoying it. My band has an EP coming out soon and I would love to send you a copy, if you will send me your snailmail address! Merry christmas 🙂 Jenn (fortnightband@gmail.com)

  4. Rich Harbert says:

    Wow, I’m on my first visit and it’s WAY impressive what you’re doing. Planning to spend more quality time at the blog tonite or soon. Keep it up, kiddo!

  5. Katey Laurel says:

    Love it, Alethia. Coming to Cali in a couple weeks, hope to see you then! XO KL

  6. Joleen says:

    So proud to know u.

  7. riza says:

    .All of us loved music I’m the number one who love music because for me music is implicitly hold that music is a communication activity which conveys to the listener moods,thoughts,emotions,impressions on philosophical and concept of positions. Music is most heavily criticized by proponents of the view that music is a social construction.Yes!!! Avril Lavigne is one of my favorite foreign princess singer because of shes voice and songs that she create. Based on my research Avril Lavigne was first appeared in summer 2002,touting an addictive debut single and a skate punk image that purposely clashed with the polished glamour of main stream pop.Avril love pop music, rock music, love songs..I am very proud of Avril Lavigne because of shes very good voice and songs that she made..Many of the teenagers love music especially the foreign singers because of the lyrics and songs that she/he made..

  8. Hi, I’m so glad I’ve discovered your site! It’s so great that you’re sharing what music really touches you!

  9. mbodens says:

    Hi, I was thinking of creating a similar style blog of music I like as well as some created by my friends… I am wondering about your YouTube videos though. How do you do so without getting in trouble for copyright and Intellectual property laws?

  10. Manny says:

    Am manny a song writer/singer from Milton Keynes,Just wondering how I can get involved with your blog.Here are links to my music below 


    Kind regards 

  11. Ruth says:

    I really like your style and music choices..I have just started up a music blog which is what led me to yours. I love some of the music featured on your pages, your endless enthusiasm and eclectic choices. A lady after my own heart. How did you get actively involved in music, that is my ultimate dream..Music is everything and it does shape, direct and steer our days….

  12. Francesca says:

    You sure have good choice in music! A fantastic blog! I am your follower from Sicily.

  13. crazeyb says:

    Nice blog – and really useful. Always looking for a few new songs a day that I didn’t hear this morning in the car, and that will serve as some sort of inspiration. I like the selection of songs and the short and sweet writing that accompanies each video. Thanks.

  14. Wietske says:

    Hi Alethia, did you know that there is a new music app #songwaiter. You can choose your own music in public veneus! For now it is only available @destadskantine (amsterdam). Would you like to come and try this cool new app?
    Greetz Wietske

  15. Anonymous says:

    Love this blog! Thank You for sharing!

  16. Deborah Sherman says:

    If I want to have a quality music experience I come to your blog. Thanks for being here.

  17. Tim Brosnan says:

    I’m glad to have discovered this today. Thanks for some great new tunes! I write a blog here at WP called The Eclectic Ear. I hope you get a chance to stop by and say hello.

  18. Dana says:

    I am so happy that I came across your page! I would love your feedback on Bobby Drake, producer/artist, that I work with. He has had numerous placements on television and we are working on pushing him towards film! Any feedback is greatly appreciated!



  19. Jamie Rush says:

    Hey, just stumbled across your blog its great, iv been on here just 10 minutes and have already discovered 2 new artists! Came in search of new music and thats exactly what i found.

    Thanks and keep doing what you are doing 🙂

  20. mattylawsonn says:

    I’m loving this blog! I’m running one very similar to it and I simply Googled ‘music bloggers on WordPress’ and found this amazing blog! 🙂 If you could give me some feedback on what you think of mine I’d be so incredibly grateful for that! 🙂

  21. J. Shrive says:

    What a fantastic opportunity to find and hear new music.
    An easy to navigate site even for the inexperienced computer user like myself.
    Please check out my new band Intercepter –
    Many Thanks.

  22. twenty1j says:

    This blog is amazing. Great songs and awesome recommendations.Thanks for sharing your love of music with all of us. I am a first time blogger and would love some feedback from a seasoned pro if you have time http://twenty1j.wordpress.com/

  23. gemsofgenres says:

    Wow great blog! I’m just starting out on my own music blog. Would you mind checking it out? gemsofgenres.wordpress.com

  24. sonnyg4 says:

    Hey great blog! Looking for feedback on my new music blog! Keep up the good work! https://wisdomcactus.wordpress.com/

What do you think ?