Lose Yourself In Comfort with “Immunity” by Jon Hopkins

So, this whole corona virus thing is definitely a thing, eh? I flip between controlled fleeting moments of slight panic to ‘But are we maybe a little overdoing it” to enjoying the downtime and taking advantage of the cleared calendar. The up and down kind of experience is definitely not unique to me, and can only be justified by the fact that this is something nobody has experienced before (except those remaining who went through the Spanish flu).

Be it as it may, I’m finding ways to gain during this time. When the world stops, and life as you know it stops, and the noise quiets, what do you notice within yourself? What do you hear from inside? Are there things rising to the surface you haven’t been able to address, are you faced with any sort of confusion around who you are when your day isn’t full of commitments. What does this time teach you about yourself.

I’m asking myself to learn more about myself. I’m noticing the things rising, I’m sifting through what the pause in my career wrapped identity has shown me. I’m looking around, looking in, looking out, and not looking much to the online area.

Last evening I decided to put on my headphones and walk around in the moody, rainy, weathery Pacific Northwest neighborhoods lining Portland, Oregon. I put one foot in front of the other, stretching myself out block by block, feeling the rain tapping on my face hearing instruments come out from hiding in their dark, muted spaces, letting thoughts roll out unforced and unorganised.

While I padded through rainy streets under thick grey and white clouds of rain and watched different streams of mist and steam lifting from the earth, this song visited me. I pushed repeat on it a few times, with the sound of trains in the background and the eery yet beautiful emptiness of the area a palpable quiet.

Enjoy Immunity by Jon Hopkins.


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1 Response to Lose Yourself In Comfort with “Immunity” by Jon Hopkins

  1. marcyb52 says:

    SOOOOOOO beautifully put, and I love this song ❤ Love YOU!

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