Connecting | Blooming | Midlake ‘Roscoe’ remix

Time moves on, even when your blog doesn’t.

Finding less time to hunt down and post about songs that touch me, I let this link of music go cold.

But there I was, last week, on top of a mountain in Portugal, with about 15 friends, under the stars, surrounded by music, deep in the feels, unpolished, unguarded, minds emptied of any responsibilities, assessments, or judgements. Just being.

We’d just gone through almost 2 1/2 weeks of some pretty high highs and some pretty surfaced, but slightly challenging lows. We’d created new records of awareness and magic together, amongst a constant flow and stream of activity. And then there we were, on that mountaintop in Portugal. Together. Celebrating. Loving. Laughing, dancing, deeply conversating. Letting it out. Letting it fall. Letting it go.

And towards the end of the night, we walked the dusty road down the mountain. Under the blanket of stars. The outline of the dark trees, which were almost black, almost blue, carving out the shape of the sky, carving out the shape of the forest. We shuffled our feet, following the music in a backpack on the back of a man whom we all adore for different reasons, but all love him just the same. We shuffled and talked in voices and tones fit for the ending of the evening, the music dancing its way from the speaker, thinning into the fresh air.

When we made it to the bus and as we awaited the rest of the people, a vertical hug formed. Friendships, holding on to each other, gripping with love and comfort, supporting and being supported by, in this nestled small vertical formation under the stars and the carving foresty trees with the thinning music and the light of the bus headlights exposing the particles of dust floating in the light. A song played. And in the vertical hug formation, I could hear the man with the backpack full of music singing a song that vibrated deep inside his chest, which warmed through the back of my sweater, through my skin and into my heart, where the forever stamp of this mountain top punctuation to 2 1/2 weeks of highs and lows will, if I’m lucky, forever remain.


The song was this one. And it’s so repeatable, so volume-up’able. It’s delicious. I share it with you, and I share the thought that somewhere, someone also follows your backpack of music. Someone feels your vertical hug formation and feels love and loved. Someone shuffles their feet at the end of a long night/time together, wishing for you the very ultimate in life experiences. Wishing to stamp the moment they have with you, into a forever place, forever. Because we’re all loving and lovable, aren’t we?



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